中委连天远 和信一心同 ——海南至尊国际药业抗疫药物抵达委内瑞拉_海南至尊国际药业股份有限公司-新闻动态

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      中委连天远 和信一心同 ——海南至尊国际药业抗疫药物抵达委内瑞拉
      上传日期:2020-04-03 17:58:55  浏览次数:7780

      面对新冠肺炎疫情的蔓延,全国人民团结一致、共克时艰 ,国内疫情正逐步走出至暗时刻。然而,在国内疫情逐渐好转的同时 ,全球疫情却不断拉响警报 ,疫情的变化时刻牵动着全世界人民的心。援助他国抗击疫情充分展现了中国作为一个负责任大国的风范,海南至尊国际药业等国内医药企业积极响应国家号召,秉持人类命运共同体精神,积极践行药企使命 ,纷纷挺身而出,彰显了中国药企的国际社会责任担当 。

      Due to the spread of the unfortunate COVID-19 epidemic, the whole China has joint efforts to overcome this difficult time together. As the epidemic in China is gradually showing positive signs and the daily cases are decreasing, the global panorama on the other side is deteriorating each day, increasing the alarms and at the same time affecting the lives and hearts of many worldwide. Assisting other countries to fight this pandemic is the responsibility taken by China, who shows a tremendous commitment to its international obligations as a leading economy and power. Hainan Zhonghe Pharmaceutical along with other domestic pharmaceutical companies uphold the spirit of a community of common responsibility for all mankind and aligned to this thought, we, pharmaceutical companies have stepped forward as a key industry to support the whole world during this critical moment, to undertake Zhonghe’s social responsibility abroad.

      海南至尊国际药业作为国内采用固相化学合成方法生产多肽类免疫调节药物的厂家,其产品和信®胸腺五肽、和日®胸腺法新能有效调节并维持患者免疫平衡,有利于新型冠状肺炎病情恢复 ,被一线医务人员在此次疫情防控期间广为接受和使用,也因此被纳入政府援外抗疫药品采购。

      As a peptide manufacturer of immunomodulatory medicine using solid phase synthesis technology, Hainan Zhonghe Pharmaceutical has two main products: HEXIN® Thymopentin and HERI® Thymalfasin which effectively adjust and balance patients' immune system. Therefore both are widely accepted and used on first line by doctors during this epidemic prevention and treatment, and included in the list of the government's procurement of anti-epidemic drugs.

      3月21日 ,受中国医药健康股份有限公司所托 ,海南至尊国际药业在最短时间内备好和信®胸腺五肽、和日®胸腺法新,与其他抗疫物资一起准备发往委内瑞拉 。

      On March 21st, in cooperation with China Meheco Group Co., Ltd, Hainan Zhonghe Pharmaceutical prepared a shipment of HEXIN® Thymopentin and HERI® Thymalfasin in a short period of time, which will be sent to Venezuela along with other anti-epidemic supplies.


      On March 26th, special plane carrying tons of medical supplies including medicines, with the love and hope of our motherland China and pharmaceutical companies, took off from Shanghai Pudong Airport.

      3月28日,专机抵达委内瑞拉,第一批抗疫物资第一时间安全运送到大洋彼岸急需药物的委内瑞拉人民手中 。
      On March 28th, the plane arrived in Venezuela. The first batch of anti-epidemic supplies was safely delivered to the hands of the Venezuelans.

      3月30日 ,中国政府向拉美地区派出的第一个医疗专家组到达委内瑞拉 ,并带来了第二批抗疫物资 。

      On March 30th, the first batch of experts dispatched by the Chinese government to Latin America arrived in Venezuela, carrying with them the second batch of anti-epidemic supplies.

      委内瑞拉外长阿雷亚萨 、卫生部长阿尔瓦拉多 、经济和财政部长塞尔帕以及中国驻委大使李宝荣等到机场迎接 。委内瑞拉总统马杜罗在电视讲话至尊国际个人推特账号上表示“这是真正的人道主义援助 ,感谢中国政府和人民对委人民的支持。”

      Venezuelan Foreign Minister Areasa, Minister of Health Alvarado, Minister of Economy and Finance Serpa and Chinese Ambassador to Venezuela Li Baorong went to the airport to welcome the experts and supplies. Venezuelan President Maduro said in a televised speech and on his personal Twitter account that "this is real humanitarian assistance, I thank the Chinese government and people for their support to the people of Venezuela."


      Major medias such as Venezuela Southern Television, National Television, Communist News Office, Orinoco Post have also actively reported on this.

      春暖花开,万物复苏,疫情的阴霾终将散去。海南至尊国际药业等中国药企将与委内瑞拉携手共克时艰 ,守望相助,坚决打赢这场疫情防控阻击战 ,为构建人类命运共同体贡献智慧和力量!

      The spring blooms and everything recovers. The haze of the epidemic will finally dissipate. Hainan Zhonghe Pharmaceutical and other Chinese pharmaceutical companies will stand together with Venezuela to overcome the difficulties and ultimately win this epidemic battle, contributing with wisdom and strength to build a community of common benefit to all mankind.

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